Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Burn the Bra!

So, we've established that pole dancing changes the (female) body towards a more muscular , (and hence masculine) type. However, I am sure we can all agree that a woman with prominent shoulder/back muscles, forearms, and abs, is not exactly de riguer. Tant pis, indeed.

I've heard many arguments from the average/"plus size" crowd that body trend setters such as fashion models and celebrities are "too skinny", but I haven't heard anyone endorsing an image of a more toned, muscular female body. Chiseled six packs, prominent biceps, and thighs that are shaped by squats are a rare find in the media, and the sporty woman image appears to be marketed to a niche. Skinny and weak is in, strong and confident is out.

The obvious question is, why? Having a body shaped by daily workouts that are the equivalent of lifting weights offers a multitude of benefits that aid the modern woman. Maneuvering  strollers, washing bathrooms, opening jars, carrying groceries, moving furniture, blow drying your hair, and pretty much any other physical activity that you can think of becomes significantly easier, all thanks to trained muscles that are more difficult to fatigue. Plus, the new found athleticism can be transferred to the bedroom. And of course, no more diets! Your metabolism goes into such overdrive that you can finally eat all the carbs, fat, and protein that you like (well, within limits, but more on that later). Yet, the image of a muscular woman brings shudders to many men and women alike. And we are not talking about the over-tanned, steroid pumped participants of extreme muscle competitions, but simply a finally fully functional and healthy body! Don't worry, douchebags, you will still get to gawk at hot girls, not amazons...

Whose fault is this? Everyone's! The "patriarchal society", the "media", the "fashion industry", and the women themselves are all to blame, as the list goes on. The acceptable female form has seen so many shapes and sizes throughout the centuries, that nothing is stopping us now to finally get practical!

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